Charity is a registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who graduated from Central College after 5 years of TCM study. Charity continually upgrades her skills and offers her patients what she has learned from further coursework in Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis, Balance Method acupuncture, Pulse Balancing acupuncture, fascial release, Fu’s subcutaneous needling method, and Yuan Shi Dian medicine. She is certified in facial rejuvenation acupuncture and is an aromatherapy instructor for the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
Having immigrated to Vancouver in 1996 as a computer system analyst, she successfully completed the Y2000 changes to the Continuing Care Information Management System for the Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors Province of British Columbia from 1998 to 2000. Because of her frequent exposure to Western medicine doctors and Traditional Chinese medicine doctors for an early childhood illness, she decided she wanted to help others with their health, so she started her TCM studies in 2011. After graduation, she continued to study TCM, as well as various alternative therapies. She actively seeks a harmonious balance between everyone’s body, mind, and environment, so that people can enjoy a happy and healthy life.
During an initial appointment, you can expect a detailed assessment to help Charity narrow down the source or cause of your health issue. She will create a treatment plan before each session, and during treatment, Charity will always adjust to your comfort level, checking in with you so you can feel comfortable and relaxed. Before the end of each session, Charity will reassess your condition. She may also provide you with instructions on acupoints to massage and health tips/recommendations for you to practice at home so you can continue your wellness journey.
Charity is fluent in both English and Mandarin.